ARTIST: "Doc Pablo" and Devon Cohn
TITLE: The Longest Night of the Year
Lyrics and Chords
Winter time, northern lights
How'd they find me here
Spinning rhymes and holding tight
As midnight's drawing near
/ G D C
G / C
- D - / :
Life is a question, love is the answer
Hope is the reason that we share
A song with friends by candlelight
On the longest night of the year
/ C - G - / Em - D
- / " / C
- G - /
Thinking back to summer's end
When days were warm and long
Between the tracks, we'd gladly spend
The evening for a song
Life is a dark road that lies ahead
Friends light the way to make it clear
And lead us on, around the bend
On the longest night of the year
We have been gathered by circumstances
Asking the question, "Why?"
We can't expect that we'll get an answer
But who's to say we shouldn't try
/ C - G - / C - D - / C - G - / Em - D
- /
And so each year, in wintertime
With friends all gathered round
We ring in strains of Auld Lang Syne
As snow comes falling down
Tales of the old ways, love for the taking
Songs for the younger ones to share
The old refrain begins again
On the longest night of the year
Songs of the old ways, tales in the making
Love for the younger ones to share
The song goes on, without an end
On the longest night of the year
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