ARTIST: Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe TITLE: Thank Heaven for Little Girls Lyrics and Chords [Gigi] [ Gdim7 =; Ddim7 =
] Each time I see a little girl of Five or six or seven I can't resist a joyous urge smile and say / Am7 - D7 - / Gdim7 - G - / C - F#m7 F#7 A7 Am7 / Thank heaven for little girls For little girls get bigger every day Thank heaven for little girls They grow up in the most delightful way / F#G G - - / - Gm D7 CD7 / Am E7 Ddim7 Am7 / C D7 G D7 / Those little eyes so helpless and appealing One day will flash and send you crashing thru the ceiling / G7 - Cmaj7 - / Em7 A7 Am7 D7 / Thank heaven for little girls Thank heaven for them all No matter where no matter who For without them, what would little boys do / F#G G - GCm / G Em / Am7 GCm / G D7 G - / Thank heaven, thank heaven Thank heaven for little girls / C#D D F#G G / C#D D7 G - /
How to read these chord charts