ARTIST: Stephan Weiss and Bernie Baum
TITLE: Music! Music! Music!
Lyrics and Chords
[ Cdim7 =
Put another nickel in
In the nickelodeon
All I want is having you
And music, music, music
/ CaddG - / C - / G - / CF CG /
I'd do anything for you
Anything you'd want me to
All I want is kissing you
And music, music, music
... / CF CC7 /
Closer, my dear, come closer
The nicest part of any melody
Is when you're dancing close to me
/ Dm7 G7 C Am7 / G G7 / CCdim7 Dm7G7 /
So, put another nickel in
In the nickelodeon
All I want is loving you
And music, music, music
{Repeat all}
C'mon, everybody
Put some nickels in
And keep that old Nickelodeon playing
Music, music, music
Dum-dee, dum-dee, dah-dee-dum
Dum-dee, dum-dee, dah-dee-dum
Dum-dee, dum-dee, dah-dee-dum
And music, music, music
{Repeat last verse}
How to read these chord charts
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