ARTIST: Jim Croce TITLE: I'll Have to Say I Love You in a Song Lyrics and Chords [ C#dim7 =; Capo 2 ] Well, I know it's kinda late, I hope I didn't wake you What I gotta say can't wait, I know you'd understand 'Cause every time I tried to tell you, the words just came out wrong So I'll have to say I love you, in a song / Gmaj7 Bm7 Am7 D7 / / C C#dim7 B7 EmC / G D7 C G / Yeah, I know it's kinda strange, every time I'm near you I just run out of things to say, I know you'd understand 'Cause every time I try to tell you, the words just came out wrong So I have to say I love you, in a song 'Cause every time the time was right all the words just came out wrong So I'll have to say I love you, in a song Yeah, I know it's kinda late, I hope I didn't wake you But there's something that I just gotta say, I know you'd understand Every time I tried to tell you, the words just came out wrong So I'll have to say I love you, in a song
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