ARTIST: Leah Zicari TITLE: Glory, Glory Lyrics and Chords [ Ebdim7 =] Mine eyes have seen the glory Of the coming out of queers Homophobes have trampled on our rights They've done so out of fear We have loosed our rising anger And now it's plainly clear That gays are marching on / G - / / C - / G - / / Ebdim7 Em / C D G D / {Refrain} Glory, glory I'm a lesbian Glory, glory I'm a gay man Glory, glory I'm a homosexual I am truth marching on In our homes and on street corners We have been condemned to die We were murdered in the Holocaust By Hitler and his lies AIDS is killing all our people Whom the government denies But gays keep marching on {Refrain} In the beauty of our loving We have let ourselves be free We will heal our wounds through justice For all humanity We will not deny our freedom or our sexuality We will keep marching on {Refrain}
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