ARTIST: Mike Post and Stephen Geyer TITLE: Believe It or Not Lyrics and Chords [Television Theme Song] [ Abdim7 =; Fm6 =
] Look at what's happened to me I can't believe it myself Suddenly I'm on top of the world Should've been somebody else / D G A D / / F#m7 - Bm7 G / Em7 - G A / {Refrain} Believe it or not I'm walking on air I never thought I could feel so free Flying away on a wing and a prayer Who could it be? Believe it or not it's just me / D - G - / D - G A / D - G Abdim7 / Em7 F#m7 Fm6 G / G - A D / Just like the light of a new day It hit me from out of the blue Breaking me out of the spell I was in Making all of my wishes come true {Refrain} ... / G - A Bb / This is too good to be true Look at me, fallin' for you / Bb - F - / Bb - Asus4 A / {Refrain}
How to read these chord charts