ARTIST: Cole Porter TITLE: Anything Goes Lyrics and Chords [ Bbdim7 =] Times have changed And we've often rewound the clock Since the Puritans got a shock When they landed on Plymouth Rock / Am - F - / Am - AmE7 Am / Bb - BbF7 Bb / E7 - E7Bm7 E7 / If today Any shock they should try to stem 'Stead of landing on Plymouth Rock Plymouth Rock would land on them / A7 - - - / - - DmA7 Dm / E7 - AmE7 Am / E B7 E7 - / In olden days a glimpse of stocking Was looked on as something shocking Now heaven knows Anything goes / A - - - / - AF#m F#m A7 / Bm7 A Bm7 Dm6 / A D6 A E+ / Good authors, too, who once knew better words Now only use four-letter words Writing prose Anything goes ... / A Bm A Ab7 / The world has gone mad today and good's bad today And black's white today and day's night today When most guys today that women prize today Are just silly gigolos / C# - Ab7 - / / C#m - C#m7 - / Bbdim7 - E7 - / So though I'm not a great romancer I know that you're bound to answer When I propose Anything goes / A - - - / - F#m - A7 / Bm7 A Bm7 - / A - - - / {Repeat last two verses, with I'm and you}
How to read these chord charts