of Spades
A game played by two teams each of 11 players with an oval-shaped ball on a rectangular field having a Y-shaped goal post and a 10-yard end zone at either end. Each team tries to score points, mainly by running or passing plays (maneuvers) that move the football across the opponent's goal line. During a game, possession of te ball shifts from team to team. The team with the ball is the offense. The other team, the defense, tries to prevent the offense from scoring.
A team earns points by scoring A) a touchdown, B) a conversion, C) a field goal and D) a safety.
Players may be members of the offensive, defensive or special teams. Some players play on both offensive and special teams or defensive and special teams.
There is a 7 member officiating crew which makes sure that the game is played according to the rules. Their uniform consists of white pants, a black and white striped shirt and a black cap with white stripes. The referee, the chief official, wears a white cap.