in their general family of historical and educational card games, Baseball
Legends by U.S. Games
Systems provides ia biography of thirteen of the greatest players in
Baseball history. From Cy Young to Hank Aaron, these players racked up
some of the oldest and most respected records and statistics in the history
of the game.
The cards are organized into thirteen sets of four cards, each set chronicling the life and career of each player. Read in order of spades-hearts-diamonds-clubs, the bottoms of the card form the major life narrative. The faces contain verious highlights of the players' professional careers. At the top are listed the teams each player worked for over their career, and in large, bold letters, the top highlight of the previous card is shown again.
Most of the statistics shown on the cards come from the 1991 edition of The Complete Baseball Record Book from Sporting News. Sports Encyclopedia - Baseball provides the figures for batting average rankings, in particuklar because their threshold for inclusion in the list is more restrictive than other sources. Also, only 20th-century players are considered in the batting average listings. Conflicting statistics, especially for older players, exist, and no great effort was made to try to rectify these errors. The sources are, for the purposes of this deck, assumed to be authoritative. Logos appear when available, and failing that, other popular symbols of the teams are shown.
All images © 1991, USGS, displayed here for commentary, analysis
and appreciation only.
Ty Cobb |
Rogers Hornsby |
Roberto Clemente |
Christy Mathewson |